Wednesday, April 21, 2010

I Have a New Laptop

I bought a new laptop. That is all.

Friday, August 28, 2009

TV Time-outs

There was a time when hockey didn't have advertising on the boards or on the ice. The NFL didn't take TV time-outs, and the play of the game wasn't brought to you by Viagra. When ever I think about old time hockey, or Bill Mazeroski's walk off home run I think of Al Pacino's quote in Any Given Sunday "It's TV, it changed everything, changed the way we think forever. I mean the first time they stopped the game to cut away to some fucking commercial that was the end of it. Because it was our concentration that mattered, not theirs, not some fruitcake selling cereal."

I love to listen to the old radio and tv calls from classic games. I love watching old highlights. It reminds me of a simpler time, a time when sports were pure and atheletes didn't have twitter accounts.

Kirk Gibson's Homerun

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Snacks and Shit

Ever wish their was a site that was devoted to nonsensical rap lyrics

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Slip N Slide

One thing I miss from my childhood more than anything is a Slip N Slide. I wish I could Slip N Slide everyday for the rest of my life.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

More TV to love

Summer, its the time for BBQ's, drinks on the patio, camping and all those other cheerished outdoor activities. It is also the time where a plethora of typically terrible shows get dumped, exluding So You Think You Can Dance and Hells Kitchen.

In the interest of full disclosure I have never seen this show but the commercials alone make me wonder where Fox will draw the line of decency. The show I'm talking about is....wait for it....More To Love. In case you haven't seen the commercials it is a the Batchelor with "regular" (a few extra lbs) women. Oh and the dude is husky too.

It's not that the idea is aweful, I think in the right framework it is actually a good show to have on air, showing average people on air more often would go a long way to redefing what the populace deems to be "normal".

The problem lies with in the advertising. The More To Love name is almost clever, but the sly play on words in the ads for the show are too much. The announcer says "tune in to the biggest date night yet" with an ever so slight emphasis on the word biggest. They might as well just say the show is tons of fun.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Michael Jackson is an alien

Its been just over three weeks since MJ moon walked into the afterlife. Since then wild stories have been plastered all over the tabloids and CNN, which has basically become a tabloid. People are speculating about his death, was it murder? Was he gay? Was he a pedophile or an autopedophile? I admit I am curious to see what bizarre secrets are lying in wait to be uncovered post mortem. And then it got me thinking is there anything that I wouldn't believe if I heard it?

If I picked up a legitimate news paper and heard there was a sex tape of MJ and a monkey found I would undoubtedly believe that. If I found out his face was actually a mask made from babies and snake oil I would buy it. Is there anything that you wouldn't believe about MJ?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

I like blogs

I know everyone and their dog has a blog but I enjoy them, especially themed blogs like these.

Happiest People Ever - happy no, sarcasstic yes.

This one is for Tina

For those who like to humiliate their pets


This is why your fat - not my words just the name of the blog.